Lights flicker
sounds coming through the wall
and the rain falls
and falls and falls
looking out the window
8 feet tall
glass from head to toe
and all I want to do is fly
to the east sky high
and valleys low
I just want to go
from this fenced in world
climb Mount Everest
to save the girl.
Down to reality
victim me from history me
to victorious me
change the design
by painting a sign
to realign
the times with my time
From Stop to Go
From South St to Liberty St
From Melancholy to a Mr. Fat Beat
indigenous drive across the country
from east to west then west to east
from NYC to Cali then to Timbuktu
is all I want to do
No more fences and restraints
from so called friends and soul mates
Everyone but me wants to stay
I just want to run away
towards the east sky high.
Monster creeping up the wall
and down my spine
To desire evil upon the brother
is the last thing on my mind
But C is for cookies
good enough to eat
and I sure do eat
a batch of cookies
for this blue monster
within me
I need to run but no money
to obtain the dream
so instead I eat to feed
the brain
to maintain
What everyone wants but me.
Everyone but me wants to stay
I just want to run away
towards the east sky high.
What matters most to all
don't matter to me
To climb Jacob's latter
is the last thing I need
To explore new ideas and new designs
fill my mind and heart
with philosophy
change the dark angel
within me
All I want to do is fly sky high
don't matter if I left everything behind
knowledge and wisdom
is to know that owning things
don't measure success
but to fulfill your life desire
even though second guessed
is what's best.
Everyone but me wants to stay
I just want to run away
towards the east sky high.
Everyone but me wants to stay
I just want to run away
towards the east sky high.
Towards the east sky high
where dreams lie
for the picking
The one that stands and walk a mile
the one who travels and deny one self
are the first to bite into the happy fruit
internal joy
is knowing thyself
Them vision no longer apply
Your vision is what's making you thrive
With wisdom wings I will fly sky high.
Everyone but me wants to stay
I just want to run away
towards the east sky high.
Looking out the window
Piscean tears and dreams
and the rain falls and falls and falls
out the window 8 feet tall
spread my wings to take flight
in my home projects 16 stories high.
My mind - suicide.
Everyone but me wants to stay
I just want to run away
towards the east sky high.
William Ortiz