Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Woman and The Bear

I had a dream...

I was walking in a corridor of high walls and ceilings
A voice led me to a wall, which opened and revealed
A woman with long red flowing hair
and she had an unrecognizable crystal face.

I was amazed at her beauty
purple robe,
chestnut wood panel walls
and ceilings

She lifted her hand and pointed
her finger behind me.
There stood a tall female bear
twice the height of me
gold and jewels over her head
Teeth glowing white
in her royal attire
full of power and strength....

I was lost with words
also trembling in fear
She was not friendly to me.

I was subconsciously self reflecting.

Who are you?

God of symbols and dreams?
A Friend from the past?
The Sun or The Moon?

Does it matter?

I am sharing my darkness to
anyone who listens..

Where do I go from here?

William Ortiz

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