9 of Wands - Away
Knight of Wands- Facing Me
Death - Away
Ace of Swords - Away
Temperance - Away
The rain falls and it falls and so is your confidence on this man who is sure of himself. He seems to know all the answers and offers so many ideas for you to stay. This man, the traveler, the knight dressed up is sure of himself. But, are you sure of yourself? Is your path his path? Is your journey whether spiritual, financial, and physical is coinciding with what he is looking for to. So much hope and you lost yours.. Somewhere without your control, there will be change from the inside out. Here you are dry, parched because of this lack of support of who you really are inside. He has hold of his journey and maybe its time to get off the horse and start your own.. Your tired and without direction.
Tower - Away
There will be change and it will be out of your control. The heavens are opened up for you. Don't worry about what other people think. They see it.. But you must move on.
Nine of Swords - Facing me
Knave of Wands - Away
There is no rest for you. Self denial and avoidance of this issue will only prolong the desperation of release.
I felt this in my heart to continue to read, seeking resolution, an answer. Most of the time people already know the answer.
With love,
The Art Buddha