Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Don't Believe In God

The silver lining
are the dreams
I don't believe in God
but I believe
in a higher power
beyond my control
internal vociferation
isn't enough

Mr. Universe
is the person
behind the wheel
I am the passenger
pop 500
100 miles per hour
ready for whatever
because I trust
that I am not alone

Dream to dream
and no one sees
what I need
so I went to fetch a pail of water
tripped over a rock
then tumbled down the hill
No one noticed me
when I was in pain

Everyone noticed when I started walking up the hill again.

I know I was meant
to live,
to fight,
to dream,
to push.

I don't believe in God
to be so controlling with words.
I believe in Mr. Universe

He is that plastic looking thing
energy running through it
no sex, no identity, covered in stars
look like a man
feels like a woman
no hair
and a billion feet tall
when you look at him from a distance
He is my height whenever I felt him.

Mr. Universe watches over me
as I dream
and live the impossible dream.

Advice to young ones looking for love:

Don't get involved with broken families.
Some people find their inner strength
through resentment.
Let them go.